I thought I might try posting a sample of some stuff I'm working on at the moment. Firstly to see if it works and secondly to give you an idea of what I've been talking off. . .
Notes on above.
Memories in the dark, not always what they seem or what they were, the essence of who I was or thought I may have been. Not in this life perhaps, genetic memory? Those olden days, those golden days. . . Mobsters, fedoras, cigars and tatered clothes... Newspaper boys on the corner.. I remember Atget's prostitute in a doorway. . . THAT LIGHT! Something is going on inside... in a back room.. smoke filled, dice and moonshine.. . A description, a story, a memory that never specifically was...a collection of many possibles having taken place. . .over and over and over... scenes from movies glorified, isolate, crisp and dark. . .
For each lit object there must be a shadow. . . For each shadow there must be a light. The balance, the balance the balance. . . where is that to be found? Nighttime is heavy in shadow.. it isn't for me to change that or make it fit into something more pretty. Accentuate the negative and forget the positive. . . . No wandering people, aimless or meaningless... just because they're a human presence. . . for a vieweres speculation or input. . . They weren't there for any other reason then they just happened by. . . they weren't or are not part of the memory, the story... the ongoing story.
It's the light. . . it's always the light. But it's the shadow... it's always the shadow. I need them both.
In that light there is such cleanliness... pinesol... Gain laundry detergent... bleach... clothes hanging on the line. . . wind... newness for me. I'm just a boy. . . I remember a little. A fruit stand next to the car wash, just a few block from Aunt Roe's house... I dont' know those politics of family squabble, I just go where I'm led. Amy and Terry's house, Aunt Roe always lived above Nonnie's and nonnie smelled of garlic and gave me things to eat. Soup, chicken soup and coffee with cheerios in it. It's all in that light and it makes me want to heave, sob I miss it and got different.. . .very different.
I'm mixed with what I never experienced and what I have in this image. Stories and movie stills of what was and wasnt' true about where I come from and family. What was and wasn't true about family. What is the difference?
I miss what never was.