Friday, December 17, 2004

Catching Some Down Time :(

The past few nights at the Forum have been real kewl, gettin' busier. I can't tell if it's because of the holiday's or because maybe I'm beginning to get to know more and more people who can tolerate my insanity LOL!

Anywho, I was supposed to work at the Pub tonight, but I came down with a nasty case of the flu. I'm stuck like a pig right now. I worked last night, and it was nuts all nite long - I pulled it off with mega doses of Dristan, Sudafed, and Nyquil but I could feel myself gettin' worse as the night wore on. Anywho... I had a lot of fun just the same. Despite the almost nightly running about in nothing but boxers and boots! A bunch of guys got a couple rounds of christmas songs in late in the night - one fella fell from his stool before I got him into a cab home. . . and some rowdy "young' uns" came in late. They were already a bit trashed from somewhere else. . . 'nuff said.

Anywho... I gotta get back to bed, cuz I'm not feeling all that great ;) Catch ya next time!

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