Sunday, September 27, 2009

I Will be Featured Amongst Other Artists on Doug Lynner’s World of Noise 1st Anniversary Show

Dear Friends;

I've just been contacted by Doug Lynner of World of Noise Radio Show to inform me that my piece Dreamer's Guardian has been selected to be featured with other artists on his 1st Anniversary Show on, an Internet radio station based in New Jersey, USA.

There will be an online chat taking place with Doug Lynner hosting, which will include many of the artists featured. I intend to be online to take part during both October 8th shows.

If you wish to listen to the show as it airs, you can visit the site and listen to the stream from there and if you wish to take part in the chat all you need do is login/register as well.

The show Airs on October 8th, 2009 at 6pm Pacific time/9pm Eastern time (US) and 9pm Pacific time/ October 9th, 12am Eastern (US).

The show will also air again on October 11th, 2009 at 6am Pacific time/9am Eastern (US)

After these original three broadcasts on the station the show will be made available for on-demand streaming at the show’s blog located on

I hope you can tune in to listen and maybe drop a line as well!



Wednesday, September 16, 2009

30th Year Anniversary Edition of the Fairlight CMI

Wow 30 years! I so very much wanted one of these machines way way back when, but that was the equivalent of wishing for bottled sunshine. Now it is thirty years later and Fairlight is talking of releasing the Fairlight CMI 30A Edition to mark the machines anniversary. Check it out at their page here!

Friday, September 04, 2009

New Concept Remix Arrangement Complete An I Am Happy

One thing I can honestly admit about myself and my work is that I am seldom happy with it but tonight is different. I spent a mass of time this evening after full moon working out the final details in the arrangement for my version of New Concept's, The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter and I am very very happy with it. Of course there are things that could be different if I had a lot of time to work with it, but then that is always the case with our work. I go back sometimes and listen to previous things I've done and hear "missing" elements that I would love to add to them, but I stop myself. I let them be, what they are - no sense dwelling on the past. If I waiting until something was "perfect", it would never see the light of day. As I work very slowly...well you might begin to see the dilemma.

I wish I could share with you some of what I've done with this remix, but since it would be highly inappropriate to do so until New Concept is ready to do what they need to do with it. I will wait until next month. I am excited about it, and am even more excited about your feedback.

Until the next time,



Wednesday, September 02, 2009

New Concept Remix Update

I've just heard from the fella's across the pond in Germany having just submitted the pre-mixed version of The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter remix and they love it. I'm so happy. I'll be mixing and ironing out some details with it over the next two weeks and off it goes for inclusion on their October cd release.


Anthony Fasolo