Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Tink Tink

Yepper, still tink tinking away at the Fusion. I've been trying to figure out the basics of MIDI and utilizing a computer as a sequencer but hit a roadblock. In typical PC fashion my computer refuses to recognize the MIDI/USB hub no matter what I do. I managed to get it to connect to Shawn's four year old G4 Mac but I knew it would. I did it just to make sure there wasn't an issue with the keyboard MIDI ports. I so hate PC's and want to get a Mac but I have to wait a bit. Money money money. PC's are the Devils spawn and need to be melted down into scrap. . . nuff said.

I spent so much time over the past week trying to make this work that I forgot about what I bought the damn keyboard for in the first place, so after another 4 hours of not getting anywhere last night, I stopped and went back to doing some composing. I used the onboard sequencer on the Fusion which is very powerful and did a few ambient tracks. However, wading through submenus on a tiny blue screen is not conducive to really editing things so I've got to get this computer issue straightened out. Until then, I'll be recording sonic ideas in to the Fusion.

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